Friday, April 28, 2006

Gimme some feedback!!!

I've been a bit lazy with this blog thing lately because I'm not sure what to write about. I would appreciate some feedback. It's a bit strange writing in this thing for 6 months and not getting any responses. So I'll have to assume I'm basically talking to myself, and this blog is for my own benefit.

I have settled in pretty well, coming up on my first month at the job. So far I couldn't have asked for more. The hours are sweet, I'm not overworked so I still enjoy it. The Japanese staff are all cute and friendly; they definately brighten up my mood as soon as I walk in the door. I really like a lot of my co-workers, have been there long enough to feel comfortable making jokes and exposing them to my dry humour. Performnce-wise the feedback has been quite good, things like "most oustanding participant" at the follow-up training session have been said by the big boss, but I don't want to toot my own horn too much and it's still early days.

Most of the students are cool, which is the most important thing. Noone wants to teach people they don't like, but I genuinely do which makes the job quite enjoyable. We have a good time. Of course I don't like all of them, but enough that most classes are fun. The other day I did a class with a girl whose occupation was "Glamour Model" which definately brightened up the day. Another girl gave me her email address on a piece of paper, but unfortunately socialising with the students is strictly forbidden and not worth the job. There are plenty of other girls in Tokyo.

Been real busy the last 2 weeks; started Japanese classes (or nihongo as I should say), been doing overtime at my 2nd job helping the students with their resume's. They are all going to Australia to study english and work a bit, so I've been teaching about all the wonders of Australia like: trams, Virgin Blue flights, Bryon Bay, cab bolts (the concept is crazy to them - one student really wants to try it), Bronte Beach and Yum Cha in Sydney.

2 weekends ago me & Brad hit up "The Room" again for some more jazz beats. I wanted to go to an indie rock night, but his girlfriend and her friend came from a wedding so they were dressd too nice for some sweaty jumping around. It was another good night there, one of my Tokyo reccomendations. Later on in the week I had some farewell drinks for a nice German girl from the guest-house. It was nice to go out with the people I live with; considering we live together I don't really see them much. Last weekend Rick who I hadn't seen since January came to town. It was good to see a familiar face, crazy to think that it was 3 months ago I left Korea, feels like such a distant memory now.

Me & Rick went to the 1st annual couchsurfing party. Was nice enough, a bbq by the beach at Chigasaki. Friggin cold though, was windy and the sand is more like dirt, but still met some extra nice people and enjoyed their food. That night we went to Roppongi again and went to a professional foreigners bar (bankers & the girls who like bankers money). We told the local girls that we were in a band and talked ourselves up but they didn't really understand.

Brad sweating it out on the dancefloor. He likes the nightlife.... he likes to boogie.
A school band killing it at the mall.
Our dates for 'The Room'

Last night I went to one of my WHA student's bars (with the new Aussie teacher) for a beer and
some chicken... a suprisingly good combination. I got lost on the way and finally found all the love motels (FYI cheap hotels that you can get for a few hours or overnight) lots of workers going there after work in pairs to relieve some office-work stress in best possible way.

A quick story: this guy came up to me on my way to work and shoved a business card in his face written in Japanese, he kept talking to me after I repeatedly told him I didn't understand Japanese (watashi-wa nihongo-ga wakarimasen) but he wouldn't go away so I took the card. I asked the girls at work what it was and they told me it was for a talent agency (TV, film, magazine, etc) in Harajuku. So I went there the next day and was told to wait on the couch, until this pretty guy came up and kept talking to me in Japanese until he gave up and just sat there smiling at me like an idiot. Eventually he gave me a magazine to look at while he kept
staring, so I got up and found someone who could speak english. From her broken english I gathered that my lack of language ability was a problem, which the original deusch should have gathered, so I left. It was very 'Lost in Translation'. That is the third person to approach me so I think I'll try to find an English-friendly agency and hopefully get some work in a Japanese commercial or something.

Which reminds me of something that happened recently. Turns out there was a reason the Thai movie star was being nice to me, on his last night here he came into my room with a dowry of instant noodles and then had a crack at wooing me. I explained to him that I'm not really into touching other men and he was suitably embarassed and left. I can't blame him though... if I wasn't me I'd have a go too.

Thats it for now; check out the new link to Flickr on the right if you have a minute. Some decent photos from a few weeks ago. Later, my imaginary readers. Also look at the sexy portable speaker I got for my laptop... so sweet!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hexstatic Rocks!!!!/NOVA is OK

Went to this gig last night; was so friggin AWESOME!!! It was in a crazy hi-tech venue; a massive 3-room arena (check these photos) which was perfect for the audio/visual behemoth that is Ninja Tune.

The first act I saw, and by far the best, was Hexstatic a VJ/DJ duo. I had heard their album and Solid Steel mix cd before which I thought were a bit medium; but their live act is INCREDIBLE!!! For their show the visuals are equally, if not more important than the music. All of the songs had a video to go with it (see here), and mixed the visuals like a dj in time with the music. They most creative application for this element was the remixing of old tracks
and remixing the videos that accompany them (they did that Mylo mash up & the filmclip). So you get these beat-ed up versions of classics songs while the images of them are on screen singing and playing in-time with the music. They sampled artists such as Dusty Springfield, Led Zeppelin and AC/DC along with more hilarious versions of Cliff Richard, The Cookie Monster and Ren & Stimpy. They also use loads of amazing images and footage in the show. There is no DVD so you have to go see them live if you want to check em out and like movies the bigger the system the better; but to get the idea check out this filmclip to one of their Brazil sampling songs:

There were some great djs playing as well at the other stages; one Modular/Gang Bang type stuff and another guy who killed it with some wicked nujazz & broken beat. Other highlights of the night included Spank Rock at the outdoor bar by the pool who make/play this awesome booty electro music. They toured with M.I.A. if that gives you some idea. Also seeing Dj Kentaro kill it was a great end to the evening, playing some great drum & bass tunes and finishing with his DMC winning routine. Coldcut were crap so I didn't watch them.

It was a spur of the moment decision to go and I'm very glad I did, it's been too long since I've been to a proper gig which made it all the more sweet. Of course partying with the friendly and funny Japanese people is great and making friends with two English people (based in Hong Kong) here for the weekend made it much more enjoyable.

Since arriving back in Tokyo I have had training and my first full week of work at my new job. I am based in the Shibuya branch of the company which is very cool. So far the job has been going well, I really enjoy talking and getting to know the students, they are all lovely and sweet people which means you walk out of work feeling good most days which is nice.

I have also been making more effort to get to know the people I live with. Last weekend we went out to Roppongi which is where all the foreigners go to pick up Japanese girls. Lots of loose women; was very interesting. I got a few kisses on the cheek by some very sexy girls which was nice. We were at this bar called the Gaspanic where they play the most terrible music you've ever heard (techno remixes of pop songs etc) but because some of the girls are so cute and they have their little organised dance routines it's infectious and you find yourself dancing to music that you disdain... but its fun so who cares?

On an interesting note a Thai film crew has moved into the building for a few weeks to film a TV movie. So in the evenings there are a bunch of Thai dudes drinking in the common area. They are pretty nice, not so much english though, except for the actors who can speak it quite well. The actors and actresses are quite good looking as you might expect. I don't know how famous they are yet... one of them was in a magazine they showed me but I have to get their last names so I can google them. It's key intelligence!!! They will be a handy contact next time I visit Bangkok, but I want to know how handy!!!

Here is another Hexstatic clip. This time they match Astro Boy footage to a Japanese song.

(By the by, if you use MSN messenger add my contact: - I have bought a shiny new laptop so now I am constantly online.)