Monday, November 14, 2005

Crazy Phuket!

Me and the original bad boy Tony reunited to tear shit up! First up we trecked down to Phuket, took way too long due to numerous bus changes that the travel agent forget to mention; a good 21 hours after we left we arrived at Patong beach. The only good thing about the trip was that we met Rick James the champ and Frenchie the nurse on the bus, a Canadian guy and a French Canadian girl whom we are still travelling with. Phuket is a crazy place, it is very developed and modern looking; a lot like Noosa or something. The main difference being that it is populated with an abundance of Thai whores! These in turn attract many over aged white men who cant get any back home, these guys are repulsive; overweight, under-moraled, sunburnt losers with spare cash and no game. At first it was kind of funny but the more you see these pitiful guys with pretty Thai girls the more offensive it becomes.

Four nights was probably just enough, I had a great time; it took me a while to figure out that all the girls on the island were for sale so for a while I felt like a rock star! I just thought the girls were loving me! We went out on the first night and got blasted and wandered around the bars, all the girls were all over us, saying things like "Hey sexy boy, come here!", and even grabbing us in inappropriate places. Was great fun for a while, until you realise its not your winning personality that they are after. (Tip - don't develop feelings for hookers)

We met some cool local girls, one of them invited us to her birthday party where they fed us and got us drunk, it ended badly because we got too loose. Apparently they don't like it when you get with a few of their friends... go figure (I thought friends share). The rest of our time at Phuket was spent motorbiking around the island, eating great food, going to the zoo, flirting with local girls, ra-ra-ra. Tony got really sunburnt and sick though, so he was out of action for a couple of days. We are off to Koh Phi Phi where they filmed "The Beach" tommorow, should be lovely... hopefully more sexy foreigners and less pieces of fat old Eurotrash. Wish us luck...

Me & Rick James