Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Hello South Korea!!!

So after my week in Saigon and I had my visa in my hand I departed for Seoul in South Korea for my first experience trying to teach little kiddies some English. Reunited with my Canadian buddy Rick and his also his older brother Reubin which is cool, cause most friends met through travelling will inevitably disappear forever. I've been in Korea for five days now and so far I've had a great time working with kids. It's pretty f**king cold here though, the first few days were shite arriving in thongs and with minimal warm clothes and fatigued from travelling as well. But I have adjusted to it now so it's okay.

NYE was average. Saturday is a work day for a lot of Koreans and the vibe in the city wasn't anything to write home about (even though I just did). I expected more atmosphere than there was. Could be that lunar new year (Chinese new year) is bigger over here. We hit up one of the club districts but were too cheap to pay to get into the clubs so we went to one of the bars and then downed some cheap Soju from the convenience store. After harassing the people in the street for a while we called it a night and retreated after a somewhat uneventful new years'. But whatever, it's just another night really, sometimes it's memorable, sometimes not.

Teaching has been the real story. I was nervous about being put at the front of a room full of kids and being responsible for their educational experience. After my first week though it all seems to be falling into place. Most of the kids are angels which makes it real easy. All the camp workers are super-nice and we have these cute Korean assistants to help us (hopefully they will assist us with dinner and a movie). It really great being with kids (8-12 years old) all day; the job is stressless, not difficult and even fun! Which is a phenomenal concept to me! Work that's fun and makes you feel good. Crazy. I'll put up some photos of my kiddies next post... asians are super-cute when they're little.

The kids like me because I don't punish them. We just have a good time together during class, playing games and stuff. There are a group of little girls who follow me around in between class. Today they followed me into the elevator which was a weird experience. Being in an enclosed space with my non-english speaking 10 year old fans. I mean what do you say to them? Even though they are little kids I can't help but feel good about having girls chase me around and scream when I wave.
It's just like Beatlemania! I know its sad but I take whatever compliments I get. It's like that 'beggars can't be choosers' thing.

So it looks like it should be a great month here. I have high hopes and very much look forward to seeing the sights, and hitting up the clubbing and shopping districts. Should be a great experience and the best part is that is was totally out of the blue. This is the benefit of having no commitments people. Why don't you think about that for a while? Hmmmmmm.

Until next time "ANNYEONG HASEAYO" (later).


Blogger Dave Tran said...

Hello girls! Thanks for leaving posts so I don't look like a complete loser. Send me some emails!

9:18 pm  

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