Thursday, January 26, 2006

Which included the Australians. Patriotism is cool.

This is how they sleep in the navy. Just like the Village People.

A paratrooper in the museum. It was closing so the lights were turned off.

Me & Leena, a teacher at the camp and a top-notch lady.

Reuben throwing around one of my kids.

Me & the lovely Grace. The best thing about Korea.

2 of my little reindeers.

They don't come much cuter.

Bye kiddies! I'll miss you all!

One of my other classes.

And another one.

The class fat kid. He ate 5 pieces of pizza that day. Be careful buddy, gastro-surgery is expensive!

Two of my stalkers. 15 years old, only 3 years to go. (Joke)

They called me 'handsum teecha' here. My ego has inflated a little since I got here. Even though the compliments are from little kids I still enjoy it I'm not gonna lie. Feel free to leave a comment about how I'm a tosser.


Blogger garat_jax said...

you're a tosser.

you missed an interesting saturday night. i hope you made it safe to japan and found a place to stay easy.

take care, see you later

10:29 am  
Blogger Dave Tran said...

Thanks reuben, I know you are just jealous that the pre-pubescent girls liked me and not you.

Send me an email about the saturday night... give me the goss!

9:16 pm  
Blogger Dave Tran said...

Mate I've known about Jamie Liddell for years. Never seen him though.

His album is decent, its all about the live show though.

Write me an email dick.

7:49 pm  

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