Friday, February 17, 2006

Just when I thought I was sorted......

I am an angry man. Angry at myself mostly. After 2 weeks of interviews and being lazily unemployed I found a good school with a nice boss who liked me and with good pay too. So what started as a happy marriage fell apart in just three short days, due to my tardiness.

I had to move house on the first day and thought I caould still make it on time at 3pm but it took a while to find the real estate agent, pick up the key, and i took a lot longer to sort out the paperwork than I had anticipated. I was also slowed down by my massive bags. Despite all this I managed to drop off my bags at the place (which is also further away from my job than I thought) and make it to school an hour after classes started. Cause I'm training I just watch the classes to see how they are conducted; so I thought it was no big deal if I missed one of eight. Also I called him in advance to let him know and he spoke nothing of the matter.

The second day I would have been on time but I had no Yen and my local bank doesn't do foreign exchange or take travellers cheques or my bankcard. So I had to take the train the wrong way jump the ticket gates then run around to 3 different banks to find one to get some money and then go back to where I started to get the train to work; again I called ahead and explained why I was late and arrived half an hour after I should have.

Then yesterday I arrived at 2:51pm and classes started at 2:50pm. So he decided that was enough and sent me home to decide if I'm right for the job. I apologised and explained to him that moving into this new place and working out how to get to work caused me some problems. I think he is being a bit unreasonable judging my character on these three days. The third time I thought it started at 3 and got there early, but I was mistaken. To get to work I have to make 4 platform transfers and I get confused about where the hell I'm supposed to be going sometimes which means it takes longer than it should. On Monday I find out if he still wants me but I'm a bit bitter about the whole thing so I'm not sure if I want it anymore.

Sorry for bitching, but Brad didn't agree with me and I need some support here. I tell you he's one of them now! He's real neat and tidy, too polite and has no sympathy for my reasons. His mixed breed battle has been fought and won by the Japanese in him. Anyway, I'm just pissed cause I just started making some money so I could make more expenses and have more fun, but its back to the money-conservation mode and the drawing board for the job hunt. So feel free to try and make me feel better, cause I've decided to be depressed for a few days and mope around in my unemployment uniform = trackies and a jumper.

At least I have some time now to learn some Japanese and get to know my roomates. I'm living in this dorm-like guesthouse with a shitload of foreigners who I have barely met. They seem quite nice though and are probably sympathetic to my situation. The majority being English Teachers and all. If you want to have a look at the place look here. It's brand new and quite nice, I pay 60, 000 yen a month which is the equivalent to $172.50 AUS a week, all utilities and internet included. So wish me luck, not having too much fun yet; the other guy working my job was going to take me to some crazy outdoor rave on Saturday but I don't have the desire to walk back in there if I'm not wanted and I shouldn't be spending money on stupid stuff either.

No new photos cause my camera is broke, but here are some from Mr Walker. They are of a model-casting agent who thought we were "so cool", tokyo, me & benny at shinjuku, & one of the Ben's on a hi-tech toilet complete with ass sprayer, pressure gauge, and stop button; no drying button though...


Blogger garat_jax said...

dave, you are awesome. i miss you a lot. that night you were passed out and i jumped in your bed and tried to wake you up but you didn't remains in my memory.

you are right with the lateness thing. he should be more willing (especially because you are so new) to give you a couple of days to adjust to the new conditions. a chance to figure out how to get from point A to point B which can take some time sometimes.

if you could get that dude who took the pictures of the toilet to aim the camera 90 degreea counter-clockwise that would be awesome.

here i am, stuck in yellowknife, -30 to -40 degree weather. it seems like another world ago that i was hanging out with you, chillin' in our room, going out and drinking. man i miss those days already.

2:27 pm  
Blogger Nat said...


Sound like a bummer about the job dude, but the Japanese are crazy about respect and work and all that isht, Im sure it will work out plus it helps you to get used to the culture. Keep your hustle game on and Im sure you will get a killer job too. Make sure you take some pics when you do goto a rave. Oh and the inner city is killer...bip up!

8:52 am  
Blogger Dave Tran said...

Ahh, thank you for the back-up!!! I fell much better now, especially cause I get to go back to Thailand.

I can call him a half-breed cause I am one. Like black people using the n-word. I can't say that one.

8:15 pm  

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