Friday, February 10, 2006

A Quick Update

Just thought I'd make a quick update for my loyal followers who I know check this site daily in anticipation of the veritable feast of truth & knowledge that I write here in my regular babblings. So, its been a week and a bit & I haven't been spending too much money thanks to my hospitable host and my lack of a regular income. This means that I haven't done anything much worth writing about, so no crazy Tokyo stories yet I'm afraid.

I am teaching at a Kindergarten on Saturdays for just a couple of hours, I'm doing it for the experience and from what I've learned about 3-5 year olds is that I don't want to teach them. They cry too much and don't know any english which means that I am a baby-sitter who talks at them in the hope that they'll learn something. Suprisingly some do catch on pretty quickly, but the majority just stare blankly until they cry from boredom. Anyways, I've been doing the rounds going to interviews etc. A real promising job came up yesterday teaching 7-14 year olds in a family neighbourhood. I won't know if I've got it for a little while, but I really want it. The boss is way cool, the money is good, the work is easy/fun, and the assistant teacher is cute.

The other day my dear old roomie Benny and my good Mr. Walker arrived from skiing in Nisiko to Tokyo for 4 nights of fun. It is great to see familiar faces; we hit up Shibuya which is where all the clubs are and it is OFF THE HOOK!!! The place is pumping with energy and neon lights every night of the week. Awesome shops, clubs and intimate drinking spots. The boys are having a wicked time pumping plenty of money into the Japanese ecopnomy at all the hot spots: Harajuku, Shibuya & Shinjuku.

In other news I have decided to stay in Asia till the end of the year; whether here in Japan in China remains to be seen. In February next year I plan on hitting up South America before getting to Europe next summer (June 2007). I found out that it is easy to find work in Brazil which is awesome; cause generally an Australian passport is useless for working in Europe & South America. But apparently the market for teachers in Brazil is booming and to get a work permit is no big deal. This is an amazingly useful website for anyone thinking about teaching in other countries: EnglishJobMaze

Thats it for now, here's a few photos. I'll post again after the weekend. Bye!


Blogger Videos by Professor Howdy said...

***February 14***

If I could speak in any
language in heaven or
on earth but didn't love
others, I would only be
making meaningless noise
like a loud gong or a
clanging cymbal. If I
had the gift of prophecy,
and if I knew all the
mysteries of the future
and knew everything
about everything, but
didn't love others, what
good would I be? And
if I had the gift of faith
so that I could speak
to a mountain and make
it move, without love
I would be no good to
anybody. If I gave
everything I have to
the poor and even
sacrificed my body,
I could boast about it;
but if I didn't love others,
I would be of no value
whatsoever. Love is
patient and kind. Love
is not jealous or boastful
or proud or rude. Love
does not demand its
own way. Love is not
irritable, and it keeps
no record of when it
has been wronged.
It is never glad about
injustice but rejoices
whenever the truth
wins out. Love never
gives up, never loses
faith, is always hopeful,
and endures through
every circumstance.

May You Always
Experience This
Kind Of Love,
Dr. Howdy

11:20 am  

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