Monday, May 22, 2006

6 months and counting..

Bronte Beach, my favourite place in Sydney.

It's the six month month mark since I left Australia so I've been thinking about home. I'm definately not homesick but I do miss my friends & family. Hopefully I'lll see my friends & family overseas somewhere soon. The food is the other big one. The first thing I'll do when I get back is call the Yum-Cha All-Stars for a Sunday morning at Zilver in Chinatown for Chinese tea and dumplings. Perfection.

On the subject of nationalism; I have been looking at lists of the world's best cities to live in and thus countries. From these lists it becomes clear that Australia, Canada & Switzerland are the nicest places to live. According to the Economist our five major capital cities are all ranked in the top 11 'world's most livable cities list' (there are equal placings) with Melbourne ranking highest at number two.

These lists are based on things like: cultural attributes, climate, cost of living and social conditions such as crime rates and health care... but not in terms of fun. So while it confirms my belief that Australia is a great place and I'm proud to call it home... I don't want to come back anytime soon.

A photo from my farewell party (why I miss Sydney)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've gotta learn to stop taking things for granted. I'm gonna organise a bbq with all the crew and we'll make a shrine for you. I'm trying to get one of those heasets for SKype so i'll be in touch soon. Probably should've emailed you all this. I'm havin trouble saving money cause i keep burnin it on shit!



11:50 pm  
Blogger Dave Tran said...

i can call landlines for free now.

so get on msn and add my contact ( so i know when your home and i can call.

that goes for anyone.

1:11 am  

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