Friday, May 12, 2006

Dave goes live (Skype Me)

Some dudess rocking out in Kichijoji, the families are loving it.

If you want to speak to me from time to time buy a headset and get onto so we can talk. Its very simple; basically it's the same as MSN Messenger but we can talk instead of type. A headset costs around $20, so it's well worth it for those of you who spend as much time on computers as I do.

In other news, more of the same over the past 2 weeks. More day trips around Tokyo, another night out in Roppongi, more dates, more Japanese classes. Work is still fun, my bosses are still cool, the Japanese staff are still cute and friendly; all in all things are going well. I'm quite happy at the moment and having a good time getting to know Japanese people. Mostly I hang out with girls. There isn't anything wrong with the guys, it's just we don't seem to have enough in common or something. I don't know. I should try to make some guy friends though.

Don't have too much else to say right now, too busy having a good time to think much. Except soon I think I might be starting a day-job working at junior high schools so I will be much busier, but also richer which will be nice. I think working in a high school and getting to know the kids will be a reward in itself; as will the cold-hard yen! If I do get the job I'll be moving into an apartment somewhere cool so I can live the high-life.

We'll see.... So remember your homework, buy a headset so we can talk, it's a small price to pay for some priceless conversation (maybe).

Oh and here's a photo I found of the Thai movie stars we were living with for a while; the movie is about a Thai guy who falls for a Japanese girl (fyi - she is actually thai girl). The guy in the middle is the one that hit on me. You have to do better than some instant noodles mate.


Blogger Nat said...

Yeah dude the sound is out of sync.
Love the audible Dave link in the middle.

11:43 am  
Blogger Nat said...

Sorry Dave laugh....not link.

11:43 am  
Blogger Dave Tran said...

Yeah don't know why it did that.

1:34 am  

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