Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Australia 3 - Japan 1 (So Friggin' Sweet!)

Never heard of Cahill before... but he's a legend in my books. Came through for us in the clutch.

Well done to the boys, they did us all proud. Especially us Aussie's representing in Tokyo. We were well outnumbered in an English pub in Shibuya. Couldn't help but feel patriotic... national pride and all that. When the national anthem started me and Bradley-san put our hands on our hearts and belted it out in defiance of the crowd.

After Japan scored, I thought they would have won it if they could manage a second in the half. But we held them out and dominated the possession. But no breakthrough till my man Cahill came through; and when he did it was so sweet. Hi five's all-round to the other unknown Australians. Then again a few minutes later, the third was overkill... but still sweet. I was a
happy man, until the game finished and saw all the Japanese people looking so sad. They were all dressed up and ready to party with nothing to celebrate. I almost felt bad... but not quite.

Today was an interesting day, I started my junior high class by writing up the score on the blackboard. Hopefully it didn't come across as insulting, I was just trying to get the kids stirred-up, cause they can be a little hard to motivate. 'Apathetic' best describes the situation sometimes if the work is real dry. This theme of boasting continued throughout the day until one of my NOVA students said it was a sensitive subject and that if Japan does not progress I may be stabbed in class. So I stopped.

Here's a photo of a disappointed Japan supporter. Nothing breaks your heart more than a sad looking Asian guy. Especially when they bought a special hat and everything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rub it in as much as you can dude. This winning feeling isn't gonna last long.


10:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was right about that winning feeling. It didn't last.

9:26 pm  

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