Monday, June 12, 2006

Living in Komazawa-Daigaku.

Good evening to all. I am writing this on the first night at my new place. It looks as though my new accomodation will be an interesting experience if nothing else. I've taken a small room in a gueshouse in order to be closer to my two jobs. My room is depressingly small, but being a young man all I really need is a place to crash. The house is not so big, but somehow they manage to cram 12 rooms into it, the other people living here are mostly Japanese and a couple of other foreigners. This is real Tokyo living; I have the highway sounds, tiny room, no window, and high rent. But I'm actually excited about it more than soberly depressed.

As with life; it's all about the people... and so far so good. Last night a Japanese girl from London (who is a model agent) took me to a party in Aoyama which was good fun. Halfway through the night a bunch of Samba drummers & dancers came out and pumped up the crowd. After that the party got real loose. Bottles of champagne were being passed around to guzzle on and for the rest of the night drunk Japanese dudes were running around without shirts-on. It was a pretty fun, but my new roomie got too hammered and passed out on the couch. The eastern-european models were nice girls but it was too loud to chat.

Tonight I met some more residents; an actor, a dj, a bar hostess, a student and a nice African lady in the next room. Everyone speaks some English but it's not the prefered language so I need to study/practice. My room is next to the common area so I will need to become accustomed to the periodic noise. It's ok though, it means I'll be more sociable... cause I can hear the friggin conversation from my room! We'll have to see how it goes, not sure how long I'll stay. There is a university nearby and an Olympic Park with a swimming pool which will be dope for summer. So I might stick around till then.

All last week I looked at places, most of them were better rooms, but it wasn't worth the extra money. They were all at least another 20,000 yen ($200USD) a month, just so I can walk a bit before I go lie in bed and look out a window for a view of another building wall; so it's the shitty room for me. I apologise to anyone wants to stay with me (sorry Trace) because it will be very cozy indeed for any guests I have.

No new camera yet, so I have posted a picture of a manga-promotion girl in Akihabara (the geek capital of the world). One love.


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