Monday, June 26, 2006

New Muse Baby!!!!!

Also courtesy of my beloved geek-friend (everyone needs one) Nat, is the information that the best band around Muse have
had their unreleased album leaked onto the internet.

If you know me, you know I love Muse, and they bring the heat on this album. Titled 'Blackholes & Revelations' it is a real corker, with only two songs that are not burners. If you have the chance to catch them live I highly reccomend you do. They'll be here in August for the Summer Sonic festival, fuck yeah.

Its out in early July, and is an epic mix of influences ranging from classical (Beethoven-esque chords), various band
s (Rage Against the Machine) and latin guitar music for the last three tracks. There is a continuous theme throughout the album; influenced by the state of the world and fear for it's future. Matthew Bellamy attacks president Bush on a few songs, is critical about the state of the world and it's apathy and calls for a revolution of sorts and pleads for people to take action. The cover art reinforces the themes of global warming, greed, the end of the world, etc. A little paranoid maybe, but it sures makes for some inspired tunes. Get into it.


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