Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Holidays + Rain + Lazy = Movies

Due to school holidays and bad weather, I spent the majority of last week lying in bed watching a whole lot of movies. There was a predominantly Asian-theme running throughout the films; with movies like 'In the Mood for Love' & '2046' by Wong Kar Wai, Jet Li's latest kung-fu epic 'Fearless', the Japanese cult samurai film 'Azumi', the Chinese love tale 'The Promise' and 'Code 46' with Tim Robbins set in Shanghai; as well as some animation that my Japanese roomates could enjoy: 'The Spongebob Squarepants' and 'Powerpuff Girls' movies; and of course some American films such as: Michael Mann's 'Collateral', the Wachowski brother's 'V for Vendetta', Spi
ke Lee's 'Inside Man' as well as Dave Chappelle's insanely awesome 'Block Party' directed by my favourite director Michel Gondry.

All the films were of a high standard, but I was particularly impressed by Wong Kar Wai's '2046' which is a film about love told in a non-linear Asian cinema style. You need to appreciate the Eastern style of storytelling, which is quite different. Wong Kar Wai's films are very beautifully shot by the Australian born Christopher Doyle.

I was also suprised by how good 'The Powerpuff Girls' movie was. Having never seen the show, i bought the dvd in Thailand because it was a Gendy Tartakovsky series; he is the Russian-born maker of 'Dexter's Laboratory', 'Samurai Jack' and my personal favourite 'The Clone Wars' series. As far as I am concerned Gendy is god and his cartoons have a cinematic feel which bring suprising depth and feeling to the animations. The Clone Wars cartoons easily trumped the new George Lucas films. I was pumped to find out that he will be making his own versions of two my childhood favourites 'Astro Boy' and Jim Henson's classic film 'The Dark Crystal'. I have very high expectations... "In Gendy we trust".

As for Dave Chappelle's 'Block Party' directe
d by Michel Gondry and featuring: Mos Def, Talib Kweli, The Roots, Kanye West, Erykah Badu & the Fugees, it could never miss. Dave solidifies his position as my favourite stand-up comedian who is alive (Bill Hicks R.I.P.) by just being himself and having cameras around. Nice editing to bring a narrative to this small story about a free concert. So much love and respect between all the incredible artists; this movie leaves a feeling of goodness after the credits roll. So good I watched it twice... and I'll do it again. In related news my favourite director has made a movie with my favourite actor (Gael Garcia Bernal) titled 'Science of Sleep'... can't wait to see it.

Otherwise everything's been fairly quiet. Spent some time with the girl, chilled a bit with the roomies, had to work on Sunday though because I'm taking off next Monday to recover from Fuji Rock... hell yeah. Things will be picking up soon though; I'm starting a Japanese summer course on Thursday, and I'll have vistitors in the form of Canadian Reuben (Rick's bro) who I lived with in Korea and young Tracey who should be arriving soon. Photo's next week of Fuji Rock I promise.

(P.S. - I've been feeling the new solo album from my twin brother Pharrell. Review on my Googlepages site)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave you are the man!

I just wanted to say that your cd & movie reccomendations are so helpful to me.

I really appreciate the great tips you give and you have such great taste!

Keep it up brother!

12:17 am  
Blogger Dave Tran said...

Please, no need to thank me Mr. Anonymous (i.e. not myself).

I do it for the love, I don't need any encouragement from friends and family.

Nor do I need any form of emails or communication to let me know I am in their thoughts.

Don't mention it.

12:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No really, you shouldn't be so humble. It's appreciated more than you know.

I pledge to always stay in touch because I am a good friend and I know you always enjoy hearing from friends.

Take care buddy, I'll be in touch soon to let you know whats going on in my life and in the passage of time our bond will become stronger and better for it.

Your pal: Mr. Imaginary Friend.

12:31 am  
Blogger Dave Tran said...

Wow! It's great to know I have such wonderful friends like you to share my experiences with and vice versa.

You know I'll always be there for you and I know you'll always be there for me; because our friendship is so strong that even things like distance and inconvenience are not enough to effect our fraternal bond.

It really goes to show that life is all about the people you meet and connect with; and the simple pleasures that you share as friends.

You're the best Mr. Imagino!!!!

12:38 am  
Blogger Nat said...

Hey Dave,

Just thought I would post a message as your messages reminded me what it sounds like when doves cry.

If you want some more comments tell my friends John or SJ. Have a look at my commments, they are fun for the whole family.

Oh and I dont appreciate you passing of my CD/movie recommendations as your own. Though I spose imitation is the highest form of flattery. :-)


1:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHEM! those movie recomendations are thanks to me!! who studied Wong Kar Wai last semester! who then spent ages bugging nat to dwld them ....hence slowly filtering down to dave...

Good to hear your having fun dave!
xo emma xo

AND, nicely put- "life is all about the people you meet and connect with; and the simple pleasures that you share as friends." - thoroughly agree!

6:11 pm  

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