Sunday, July 30, 2006

Swimmin' & Studyin'

(King of my local pool... I own them lanes!)

These days my routine consists of language school in the morning from 9:30-12pm then hitting the pool in the afternoon before work; I'm working on my summer tan since I missed the last Sydney summer. School is going okay, most of the other students are international high school kids here to study japanese on their summer holidays. The teacher is hilarious so we have a good time and learn a bit too.

Also been watching a lot
of Samurai Jack recently. I loved the Clone Wars series and this is basically the same, just with a samurai instead of jedi knights. I highly recommend. Got to go hit the books, but if you have time check out my Google Pages site, made some more hot updates. New albums from Pharrell, Dj Spinna, Bugz in the Attic & Quantic. Take it easy.

(Oh & thank you to Nat & Em for replying to my cry for attention in the last post's comments)


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