Monday, August 07, 2006

Meet the Parents/Samurai Dave

(The man with the biggest sword gets the girls ifyouknowhatimsayin.)

Spent the weekend in Saitama (an hour out of Tokyo) for another fireworks festival and a day trip to Naga Toro river. Eri suprised me by wearing her yukata; it's basically a summer kimono (made of cotton) which are very cute indeed. Her parents live in Saitama so I stayed at the family home for the weekend. They were very nice and hospitable, they tried their best to speak English and I tried my best to speak some Japanese.

It was heaven to hear the silence out in the suburbs; since moving to Komazawa I haven't heard silence. It was also nice to take a drive out into the country. Took a boat ride down the Arakawa river where people go for kayaking. Then we took a swim, although we didn't bring swimmers so I had to expose the Japanese public to my ratty boxer shorts, while Eri swam in her dress. We got some strange looks but it was well worth it to swim in the beautiful natural water.

Then the parents took us out to a seafood restaurant for dinner; ate all kinds of delicious seafood including shabu-shabu, sashimi, a giant oyster and whale (gomenasai!) which is very politically incorrect of me... I felt a little guilty (but it was tasty).

Other than that not much to report. Just been going to school, swimming/tanning & working everyday. Last week after class we tried our hand at origami (I made a mutant crane) and I got to try on a kimono with the traditional samurai gear including 2 katanas (swords), as to be expected I got a little carried away and started yelling for
sake and extorting the locals for money. Good clean fun. Next week me & Brad are off to Osaka for the Summer Sonic festival, which should be great. Until then...

(the Arakawa River)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, Whale!!!!! What the hell is happening to you over there????

I'll just forget you ever said that because I enjoy your blog too much....

Love Briony

12:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Random q...Would u rather be a samurai or a ninja?

Love Jini

2:47 pm  
Blogger Dave Tran said...

excellent question jini.

i would have to go with being a rogue ninja so i could go about my secret ninja business; assasinating shogun leaders and soforth while enjoying pizza and saying my the catchphrase "cowabunga".

also the samurai had to be loyal to the emporer and live by his command. if they failed the emporer they would have to slay themselves - not my style.

3:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you look so adorable. You a definitely a ninja. Better start training. I can teach you a few karate moves


5:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dave. question.
how many roads must a man walk down, before they can call him a rogue ninja?

5:29 pm  
Blogger Dave Tran said...

that sounds like a question juzzy would ask.

it is a trick question: a rogue ninja does not walk down roads, he moves by stealth through the treetops.

10:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As if you wouldn't rather be a rogue Samurai! Like Kenshin. He needs not move by stealth through the treetops like a common ninja bcos noone messes with a samurai. Rarr

Sorry i couldn't resist hijacking ur comments page.

Ling. friend of jini's.

12:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been taught well young dave
it's actually your old mate BW

hope you've been well, digging the updates
ps. summer is on its way here (even though it hailed in sydney today)

8:36 pm  
Blogger Dave Tran said...

Ahh the Texas ranger, should have known. Hope all is well.

6:00 pm  

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