Tuesday, August 01, 2006

No Fuji, No Cry

(A recent photo courtesy of Trace)

Unfortunately had to cancel the Fuji Rock trip due to the selling out of carpark tickets. There is a train but Brad had some good reasons for why it was not worth it. Instead we will be taking the Shinkansen (bullet train) to Osaka for Summer Sonic. But I think it worked out for the best because I had another great weekend anyway.

Tracey is in town for a little while, turns out she is staying at a friends place which is a 2 minute bike ride from my house. Also my roomie from Korea: Reuben was here visiting his brother. So on Friday I met Trace and her friend Kumiko for a beer a
t an English pub and did some catching up. Then we tried to go see 2 Many Dj's at Womb but predictably the club was well full with hordes of people still showing up in hope of getting in. Trace & Kumiko went to another club, but I stuck around because Eri was already inside. Eventually I weasled my way in, only to catch the last song of 2 Many Dj's... what a bummer.

It was still an insane party, crazy venue packed full of trendy Tokyo-ites. Hot as hell in the main room from all the bodies packed in there. Still I managed to find Eri nad have a decent time. Saturday saw the arrival of Reuben 6 months after I last saw him. Was great to catch up with him in a new continent. Saturday night was quiet but very nice; just went to an izakaya and then drank some cheap drinks in Komazawa park just like back in the day. Experimented with some "jump photos" which I will post when I get em.

Sunday took Reuben on an express tour of Tokyo; city view in Shinjuku and the Harajuku to Shibuya walk through Yoyogi park, before he had to catch his plane. Short but sweet visit. Then met the woman for a night view from the 45th floor of the crazy Metropolitan Government Building then some pork nabe from the Korean part of town. I was originally pissed to have to cancel my Fuji Rock trip but I think it turned out for the best.

[P.S. It turned out that part of Fuji Rock came to me in the form of a Wolfmother sighting in Shibuya. The guys walked right past me while I thought to myself 'I should say hello'.
Predictably I couldn't think of anything to say, but really what can you say except as Reuben suggested: "you guys are awesome!!!". But thats not really my style, I would say something more like: "great music... I've downloaded all your stuff!" Hmm... doesn't have the same effect.]

(This is what it would have looked like)


Blogger Dave Tran said...

New rule: no comments = no new posts.

I don't care what you write, just write something, any kind of feedback.

Call me names, put me down, leave me messages, write about yourself, I don't care.

Just don't be indifferent, it's so much worse.

10:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dave-san, perhaps i'll put you down in japanese, then you can ask your japanese teacher what it means. "watashi wa wakai otokonoko ga sukidesu"
actually, you already learned "sukidesu", you're half way there.
checked out some of your music recs, sounds pretty sweet, i might need you to make me a mix cd. my buddy's been raving about gnarles barkely as well. i'm itching for new music.

4:33 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeh bring on the reviews dave! love em...
block party was siic, rated it highly!

will d/l a few more of ure recommendations...let u know how i go!
newyz hungova n have to think about going out tonite...effort factor is HUUGGEEE!!!
talk to ya soon - ja-ne!

5:00 pm  

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