Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Samba in Asakusa/Tama Zoo

For Tracey's last weekend here me and Kumiko (Dave Samon's girlfriend and my new local buddy!) took her for some good old fashioned sight seeing; so we went to a Brazilian Samba festival (offical site) in the old-style part of town: Asakusa. The parade was nice enough, but I get the feeling it's far from the original Carnivale in Rio, especially as most of the Japanese dancers in the parade tended to be slightly aged and a little past their used by date. But it was great to finally get to see Asakusa, it's a real cool place. Here they have some more traditional buildings and a huge temple in the centre of town.

On Sunday we met Eri and headed to Tama Zoo which kicks ass. It's basically in the forest which means the enclosures are all big and natural looking. If I was a wild animal I wouldn't mind living there. The highlight was going on a bus which drives into a huge lion enclosure with about 30 lions. They put some meat on the bus so the lions come up and eat it 2 feet in front of your face. The bus driver was a bit of a but, trying to hit the lions, but the bus was too slow and they got out of the way in time. The butterfly insectarium suprisingly kicked ass too, although the Australian animals section was fairly lame though; could only see one kangaroo (and we have more kangaroos than people) and koalas are not the liveliet little fellows. But still a worthy day trip.

Other than that, started back at the j
unior high school which has been fun but well tiring. I am working every week in September, so I'll be a fairly fatigued by the end of it and much richer also. In absolutely fantastic news, I am moving to a sweet joint!!! (See here) No more psycho-christians binding devils and keeping me awake!!! It's not far from where I live now, but brand new and much bigger rooms and less of them; should be heaven compared to this place.

So sayonara Tracey! Was great to see you! I look forward to the next time I have visitors from home, and I'll have a nice place to stay then too (the offer is always open). Later, stay genki!

[Just realised there are no photos with Kumiko in it. so here is one]


Anonymous Anonymous said...



10:48 pm  
Blogger garat_jax said...

damn, again i have to tell you that your friend is quite attractive.

1:12 pm  

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