Monday, September 25, 2006

Geeky Weekend

Geeked it up good this weeked!!! On Saturday I went to the geek capital of Tokyo: Akihabara to get a new camera which I did. But while we were there, me & Eri took part in the great 'otaku' (geek) tradition of going to a maid cafe. Where girls dress as scandalous French maids and cater to all your needs.

They do services like, hand-feeding you and wiping your face, take your order on their knees, and are generally very submissive and accomodating. Too funny seeing all the geeks and pubescent high school boys fantasizing about them. If you pay extra they do all kinds of things, from playing board games with you, to taking sticker photos, to clipping your fingernails. Now there are maid hairdressers, massage places and I heard a home service where they come and clean your house. Nice!

On Sunday I went to the annual Tokyo Game Show with Eri & Ishmael (my Texan buddy/roomate) which was pretty crazy. It's the biggest conference for the video game industry with showcases for Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PSP, Nintendo Wii and for game makers like Sega and Capcom.

You can play the games and there are various kinds of entertainment. But the real highlight is the game promo girls at each stand who wear cute outfits and let you take photos of them. So inevitably there are hordes of serious geeks with serious cameras going gangbusters. Me & Ishmael went on a kind of TV game show where girls would throw nerf balls at us which we had to dodge while wearing a stupid suit (see below). Was a pretty funny weekend. Good to get in touch with the inner geek once in a while.

Otherwise, the new place is more than excellent, absolutely loving it. Trying to save a room for Mr. James Pick, who I'm excited to say will be joining me here in a month or so. Good shit. Also Just started a 3 week break from the junior high and with my new favourite toy in hand expect a lot more posts & photos to come.


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